Amend The 1945 UN Charter


Amend The 1945 UN Charter

The 1945

UN Charter

United Nations Security Council Permanent Membership For India In The United Nations

India on the UN Security Council

India has served on the Security Council as an elected member on seven occasions so far – in 1950-51, 1967-68, 1972-73, 1977-78, 1984-85, 1991-92, and 2011–2012, and is currently on its eighth term for the tenure 2021-22.

India has participated constructively in the Council’s activities and has remained fully engaged in all its deliberations during its tenures. India held the Presidency of the Security Council in August 2021.

India 2014-2024

India's Ascendancy: A Decade of Growth and Influence in the UNSC

During its Presidency, India organized an Open Debate on Maritime Security which was chaired by the Prime Minister of India and an Open Debate on Technology in Peacekeeping chaired by the External Affairs Minister of India. The External Affairs Minister also chaired a briefing on terrorism based on the Secretary General’s report on ISIL/Da’esh.

During its current tenure, India held the UNSC Presidency in December 2022.

Even when outside the Council, India actively participates in the open debates of the Security
Council as and when they are scheduled.

India In The UN General Assembly And Its Main Committees

  • 77th Session of the UN General Assembly
  • First Committee: Disarmament & International Security
  • Second Committee: Economic and Financial
  • Third Committee: Social, Humanitarian & Cultural
  • Fourth Committee: Special Political and Decolonization
  • Fifth Committee: Administrative & Budgetary
  • Sixth Committee: Legal

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Significant Achievements 2014-22

Major Initiatives:

  • The UNGA Resolution declaring 21 June every year as the International Day of Yoga was adopted in Dec 2014 with a record number of 177 co-sponsors. This set-in motion global annual observance of the International Day of Yoga.
  • Usage of Hindi in UN public communications (UN news, weekly audio bulletins on UN radio and UN social media) began in March 2018 following the first MoU signed by the UN with any country.
  • The first evert single-country South-South cooperation initiative at the UN was launched in June 2017 through the “India-UN Development Partnership Fund”, a $100 million fund facility to undertake projects across the developing world. In April 2018, a US$50 Million Commonwealth window was created under the Fund to support SDG related projects in developing countries of the Commonwealth.
  • Following the efforts made in three previous attempts (2009, 2016 and 2017), the Security Council finally on 1 May 2019 approved the addition of Masood Azhar to the 1267 Sanctions of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo.
  • A proposal for an International Year of Millets (2023) was brought forward by the Government of India and endorsed by Members of FAO Governing Bodies, as well as by the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly. The International Year will (I) elevate awareness of the contribution of millets for food security and nutrition (ii)inspire stakeholders on improving sustainable production and quality of millets; and (iii) draw focus for enhanced  investment in research and development and extension services to achieve the other two aims.
  • During India’s Presidency of the Security Council in August 2021, Resolution 2589 was unanimously adopted by the Council which called upon host Member States to promote accountability for the  killing of — and all acts of violence against — United Nations peacekeeping personnel, while also recognizing the need to enhance support to help these countries address impunity. The Resolutions asks the Secretary-General to include updates on measures taken by the United Nations to follow up on cases and support the efforts of Member States towards facilitating accountability.
  • During its Presidency of the Security Council, India also organized an Open Debate on Maritime Security which culminated in adopting of the Presidential Statement which, inter alia, noted with concern the ongoing threats to maritime safety and security posed by piracy, armed robbery at sea, terrorists’ travel and use of sea to conduct crimes and acts against shipping, offshore installations, critical infrastructure, and other maritime interests.


India is one of the few countries whose candidates have won every election at the UN in New York.

G4 nations:

The G4 nations, comprising Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan, are four countries which support each other’s bids for permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council.

Indian soldiers patrol under UN mission in Congo, Africa
Indian Army doctors attend to a child in Congo.

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  • The election of Judge Dalveer Bhandari to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in Nov 2017 was a landmark event for India in terms of its unprecedented success in unseating a sitting judge from UK, a P5 member.
  • Dr. Neeru Chadha became the first Indian woman to be elected in June 2017 as Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) for the period 2017-2026.
  • Dr. Aniruddha Rajput was elected to the International Law Commission (ILC) in Nov 2016 for the term 2017-2021 with highest number of votes in the Asia-Pacific Group.
  • India was elected to the Human Rights Council in Oct 2018 for the period 2019- 2022 with highest number of votes.
  • Ms. Jagjit Pavadia was re-elected as Member to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) on 7th May 2019 for the term 2020-25.
  • On 15 Sept 2020, India was elected to the Commission of the Status of Women by the ECOSOC. India’s tenure on the CSW will last from 2021 to 2025. India was also elected to the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC) and Commission on Population and Development.
  • Ms. Vidisha Maitra was elected to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for the period 2021-23.
  • Dr. S.Rajan, elected as Member of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS)

Other achievements / participation in important events:

  • In Nov 2017, a voluntary compact was reached between UN Secretary-General and the Government of India on commitment to eliminate sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping, humanitarian and development work. Prime Minister also joined the
    Circle of Leadership on the prevention of and response to sexual exploitation and
    abuse in United Nations operations.
  • In Sept 2018, UNEP recognized Prime Minister Modi in the “Policy Leadership” category for pioneering work in championing the International Solar Alliance and for the pledge to eliminate single-use plastic in India by 2022. UNEP also selected Cochin International Airport, which is fully-powered by solar energy, for the Champion for entrepreneurial vision award.
  • International Solar Alliance (ISA) was registered with the UN as a treaty-based inter-governmental organization with effect from 9th Feb 2018.
  • India ratified the Paris Agreement and ‘Second commitment period of Kyoto Protocol’ in Climate Change in Aug 2017.
  • UNGA adopted a Resolution in Dec 2014 on recognizing the Indian festivals of Diwali, Buddha Purnima and Gurpurab by the UN. The first official celebration of Diwali at UN Headquarters took place in 2016.
  • First reference to ‘Yoga’ was made in Sept 2018 in the Political Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases, a health-related resolution in UNGA.
  • India was among the 40 plus countries in 2017 that presented their Voluntary National Review at the UN on the progress made in achievement of SDGs. India presented its second VNR virtually at the 2020 HLPF on 13 July 2020. Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog Mr Rajiv Kumar presented India’s VNR. India’s  commitment to the SDGs was presented by highlighting our national development agenda as reflected in the motto of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikaas (Collective Efforts for Inclusive Growth).
  • In November 2018, India successfully operationalized the co-deployment of 120 troops from Kazakhstan as part of its contingent in UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). India also initiated the process of deployment of a mixed Formed Police Unit to UN Mission in South Sudan.
  • India’s contribution to the Voluntary Trust Fund of the UN Tax Committee (to promote the participation of developing countries in the work of UN committee on tax matters that looks at key issues that could mobilize resources for sustainable development) was recognized in UNGA Resolution of Sept 2017.
  • UN Day Concert (featuring Sarod Maestro Ustad Amjad Ali Khan) organized on 24 Oct 2018 after a gap of 52 years under the  theme, “Traditions of Peace and NonViolence”.
  • On 24th September 2019, India commemorated the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi by  holding a high-level event at the UN. The event was hosted by Prime Minister Modi in which the UNSG Antonio Guterres, President of South Korea Moon Jae In, Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jessica Arden, and Prime Minister of Jamaica Andrew Holness.
  • United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) brought out the following three postal stamps in collaboration with the Mission: (i) Personalized stamp sheet on Birth Centenary and 50th Anniversary of Performance at the UN by M.S. Subbulakshmi; (ii) Special commemorative stamp sheet on International Day of Yoga; (iii) Special commemorative stamp sheet on Diwali; and (iv) Special commemorative stamp on the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi delivered a virtual keynote address at the High Level Segment of the ECOSOC on 17 July 2020. The theme of the session was “Multilateralism after COVID 19: What kind of UN do we need at the 75th anniversary?” PM in his remarks touched upon several subjects such as India’s commitment to achieve the SDGs and actions taken to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke virtually at the Climate Ambition Summit on 12 Dec 2020. He pledged that by 2047, centennial India will exceed the world’s expectations in implementing actions to counter climate change. He said, “on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement the world shouldn’t lose sight of historical emissions”. He called for a review of actions taken by all countries based on the commitments they had made under the agreement.
  • Prime Minister Modi delivered India’s national statement at the 76th UNGA General Debate in New York on 25 September 2021. In his speech, Prime Minister touched upon several important issues confronting the international community today. Representing the Mother of Democracy and based on his own  experiences, Prime Minister affirmed that “democracy can deliver, democracy has delivered”. He emphasized that the impact of India’s development on global progress is evident – when India grows, the world grows; when India reforms, the world transforms. He also cautioned against regressive thinking and extremism, and proposed science-based, rational and progressive thinking. He also called on the United Nations to enhance its effectiveness and reliability.
  • At India’s initiative, the General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on 9 December 2021 and granted the status of ‘observer’ to the International Solar Alliance to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly.
  • During its Presidency of the Security Council in August 2021, India, in collaboration with the UN, launched UNITE AWARE, a technology platform to ensure the safety and security of peacekeepers who are operating in an increasingly complex and risky environments across the world. UNITE Aware is a situational awareness software programme that will utilise modern surveillance technology for real time threat assessments to peacekeepers. India contributed USD 1.64 million for this initiative

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